Monday, September 10, 2007

From chaos to convention

—By Katy Devlin, e-Newsletter editor, e-glass weekly

I went through a terrifying, horrifying (and mortifying) near-death experience yesterday. Let me set the scene.

I was at GlassBuild America one day before opening. Debris littered the aisles as forklifts and cranes sped past. Hundreds of workers scattered throughout the huge trade show floor worked in organized chaos, sawing, drilling, lifting and setting.

I found safety in our 20-by-20 foot magazine booth (3523—come visit!), until I noticed Ashley Charest and Brian Pitman from GANA and got up to greet them. We met in the middle of the aisle and barely completed our hellos when we heard beeps and shouts as a forklift sped toward us. Fear and panic filled my eyes, as the metal tines took aim at my shins. I watched the yellow cart barrel our way, going at least 10, maybe 15, miles per hour.

My three years in the industry flashed before my eyes, and I thought it was all over … that is, until Ashley saved my life and my glass career with some wise words: “Let’s move out of the way.”

As we walked to the edge of the aisle, I tripped over a roll of carpeting and slipped on a sheet of plastic. Catching my balance and playing it cool, we finished our conversation and said our goodbyes.

I have learned several things from this experience:

  • I am a colossal exaggerator

  • I am a complete klutz

  • It’s amazing how this trade show came together in such a short time. Major kudos to everyone involved.

Check out this video to see the process.

1 comment:

chanamagoo said...

OH MY HEAVENS! Thank God you're okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I don't know how you survived, but somehow you did! Go out and buy a lottery ticket right now, you lucky thing!

Nice video by the way...very informative. And well edited. With a good soundtrack.